Saturday 28 June 2008

Because Vesperia CLEARLY has more potential...

One of them is the sequel to the most cherished console RPG of last generation. One of them is a first Wii effort from a tiny developer who have made about 2 DS games. It's sad, isn't it?

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Jools Watsham: Game Designer, fighter, loverman

So, basically, Blogger must hate Youtube, so I can't directly post these videos. But before I link you, its best if I explain who this chap is.

Jools Watsham is the current head of maverick game company Renegade Kid. RK were the creators of the edgy, horror-FPS DS game Dementium, which released in America last year to critical acclaim. The game was notable for it's highly advanced 3D technology mostly unseen on DS. Now, the company is sticking to what they know best with another gorgeous looking DS title: Moon. The game, currently scheduled for a 2009 release, is being touted as a sort of "handheld System Shock 2". And if that doesn't put gamers into a coma of anticipation, then they need looking at.

Moon boasts some stunning-looking scenes
Now, Jools has been uploading short video-blogs (vlogs) to both Youtube, and now, his own site. These videos are highly recommended viewing, both for offering an honest and professional insight into the industry, and the fact that Watsham has perhaps the greatest voice since Gregory Peck.
See for yourself.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

The Conduit - New Trailer

So for anyone not up-to-date of the situation, The Conduit is an exclusive Wii first person shooter designed on a ground-up engine built specifically for the console by a humble developer High Voltage Software. Since being unveiled last month to much fanfare by IGN, the company have received several offers from publishers to pick it up. The first screens of the game showed the title to be reminiscent of Half-Life.

The first gameplay trailer was released a couple of days ago.

Will certainly be keeping an eye on this one.

Monday 12 May 2008

Last day of school

So five years of Key Stage 3 and 4 learning finally comes to an abrupt end. Today was our last official day of year 11, and while it wasn't really that sad for me, I did manage to capture lots of witchcraft paintings for memoirs.

This is Lauren making me look unattractive

These are the cool people who murder each other regularly

Here are two random people

And here are the boys. I can't be bothered naming them.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Key Retro Studios staff leave company

There are a number of things that leave a gamer inconsolable. One is Sony announcing any PS2 owner wanting to buy it's highly anticipated predecessor will have to fork out $600. Another is Microsoft fanboys realizing that Halo 3 isn't exactly what it's cracked up to be (say what you want chumps, the whole campaign mode screams average). But henceforth is the day when Wii owners across the planet are scorned to a pulp, as Retro Studios loses three members of staff pivotal to the critical acclaim of their critically acclaimed Metroid Prime series. Rumours were rife about the debacle a couple of days ago, but now it has been confirmed that Mark Pacini (lead designer), Jack Matthews (engineer) and Todd Keller (art director) are no longer serving under the orders of Retro.

Just one of the masterpieces created by the art team for Metroid Prime

No other information is available at this time about the reasons for the sudden departure, but it is unlikely that management at the company terminated their contracts early (ie, they probably weren't fired), but it's strange for several influential figures from a developer to leave purely on an coincidental basis, so there is a chance that Pacini, Matthews and Keller are planning to start up their own company.

In the mean time, Retro is NOT SHUTTING DOWN and will continue to develop great, AAA games for Nintendo. Some of the maestros behind the Prime behemoth may have left, but one thing remains the same, and that's that Retro Studios' next title will be one of Wii's most anticipated.

Friday 18 April 2008

OMGZ, le mature game for teh Wii?!!

High Voltage Software is a humble video games developer. Chugging along quietly for 15 years, their library consists of no bolshy blockbusters or cult classics. But now, they just may be the saving grace for hardcore Wii owners everywhere.

IGN recently scored a world exclusive with the Illinois-based team on their next game, and it looks set to hit the big time. FPS "The Conduit" has been secretly in development for around a year now and it seems to focus on graphics - something with may seem unimaginable to 99% if Wii devs. Working on a completely ground-up engine going by the name as Quantum3, The Conduit is a futuristic shooter set in Washington DC. It looks to sport many Halo-esque mega-beam-weapons-of-death but the whole thing seems to have more of a Half-Life air to it; with action scenes ranging from big, open spaces to quiet, heart-pumping, deserted trains.

The Conduit Screenshot


As many a Wii owners know, their beloved white box has been incredibly deficient of FPSs; bizarre considering that Medal of Honour: Heroes 2 proved that the genre could easily blast any console counterpart out of the water in terms of control. High Voltage knows this, and also understands that many 3rd party titles are severely lacking in the technological departments:

"We think it's a real shame that publishers and developers aren't taking advantage of the technical possibilities of the Wii platform. Most Wii games don't even look as good as the later day PS2 titles and that's a real slap in the face to consumers" says Kerry Ganofski CEO. It's a true joy to see a serious publisher voice what so many hardcore Wii gamers have been fighting to say over the past few months. The Conduit looks to not only appeal to those craving some AAA shooter action, but also wants to quash the perception that Wii can't house games that look no better than last gen titles.

If you're wondering how HVS' much flaunted Quantum3 engine expects to achieve this, below is the official tech demo video:

So there you have it. Could The Conduit be a real pioneer for future mature Wii games that actually have effort put into them? Who knows? It can certainly be a big pay-off if you're the first one to get your idea out there: look at the runaway success Guitar Hero 3 on Wii has become.

For all the available screens and full info/press release on The Conduit, visit the IGN page here.

Sunday 6 April 2008

France vs Children

Imagine for a moment, if you will, a full A4 side of French gobbledygook. Add 5 questions on top of that concerning that piece. Then add another 50 random questions and answers all in french. Then consider the prospect of having to memorize all of that in five days. That is basically the task that haunts every second of my life until Friday. Apparently, "they" are getting rid of this curse in the coming years. Yay.

Monday 31 March 2008

Do not watch this space for the next 48 hours

So, tomorrow happens to be one of the most frustrating days for many people. And while some will think that hiding dog excrement in their "friend's" shoes is a larf, many games will know to loathe and despise April Fools Day like the bastard child of the Gregorian calender it is.

Unfortunately, numerous sources have already been getting over excited and begun to dust off their cobwebby imaginations early. So forget any "MEGATONS!!1" you may have heard over the interweb - it's complete BS. I happened to come across a story on Wii60 earlier elaborating on plans for Nintendo to introduce DLC for 35 of its games, including Twilight Princess, Metroid and Brawl. Super. Predictably, the article was bashfully removed within hours.

So, if I do update the blog tomorrow with some major announcement that is too good to be true, take no notice. In fact, lets just not go on the internet tomorrow: that makes everything easier eh?

Friday 28 March 2008

The Byron Report and what it means for the industry

If you have been anywhere near a television over the past few days, you will have likely happened to gaze upon a story concerning the video games industry and government calls for overhauling the age classification system in the UK.

It's unclear exactly who decided that a change was necessary, but I'll bet my murderous disposition that it was some ill-informed MP who perceives that all games are Columbine simulators. Keith Vaz then, probably. But a study was carried out nonetheless by Psychologist Tanya Byron, and the resulting changes are, shock horror, actually... not damaging at all to the industry. If one reads the report, they'd be pleasantly surprised to know that this shrink isn't actually a female Jack Thompson, and has put in place a plan that doesn't banish adult games to the point where anyone seen buying one would be ousted from British society as a middle-aged paedophile who lives with his mother.

Basically, before you know the changes, one has to understand how games are currently classified in the UK. Well the company who decides the age rating is an independent organisation called PEGI. Their age labels consist of:


Now, some gamers may notice in their library that some of their more "mature" games have "that film logo on", IE, a BBFC rating of either 15 or 18. The BBFC are an "official" classification company who rate films in the UK, and regularly rate some of the more fruity games (like all Resident Evil games as 15 or Manhunt 2 as 18).

After this report, all video games will pass through PEGI as per usual, but if they feel the game is deserving of a !2 or above rating, they must be approved by the BBFC, who will then classify the games themselves. It isn't totally clear why this will avoid the illegal transaction of video games to minors, but the strength of an official (and familiar) logo may be enough to get the message across to parents that not all games are for children. A responsible parent wouldn't let little Timmy see a 15 rated film, so why would mummy buy him Grand Theft Auto. So technically, this shuffle shouldn't actually affect anything, but the subtleties of the the change might. To that degree, it's a well though-out plan. So kudos to Ms Byron for that .

But most importantly, this move may spell an end to the whinging of scores of MPs the industry has faced these past years.