Saturday 15 March 2008

My lovely new blog.

If you are reading this post, feel special. Feel special for two reasons: Either this will go down in history as Aaron "D_prOdigy" Clegg's first foray into videogame journalism stardom, or at least feel fuzzly in the knowledge that you could be among the only 3 people who reads "just another nerd's blog"

Well nerd I am not. I mean, I'd love to be, but I just don't know how to be. HTML? FTP? WTF?

Over time, this blog will expand. Whether it draws in 2 readers or 2 million is irrelevent. All journos start somewhere and the younger the better. Today is the day I read a feature on the matter. Every single writer involved unanimously agreed that a blog was the best way to start a career. Write, write and write is what they said. And slap me over the head with a flannel and call me Mabel, I am going to write.

What can you expect from this blog? Well, if your really not into gaming then I'd suggest that little red cross in the corner, becuase you'd be more out of place than the Six Million Dollar Man in a magnet factory. I will be focusing most of my efforts on Nintendo-related stuff, but I could post all kind news if I deem it significant. Plus you can count on lots of random stuff too.

Keep tuned, because I'm at a time in life where there's not much more to do than sit at a PC, and I might as well try and reach out to as many people as I can in the process.

Viva la Revolution!

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